Lashmitha founded in 2008 with the vision to provide best-in-class software development and quality assurance services to a diverse set of customers. In today's market, Companies who rely on offshore development as fundamental to their business success must acquire the right mix of expertise and experience from its partners. Lashmitha meets this requirement and offers a disciplined approach to working with Companies by providing fresh insight into solving complex software challenges and delivering significant additional value in the execution of envisioned software projects. Partmer-1 and Dpartner-2 have combined their industry experience to attract best-in-class software development talent thus providing significant differentiation from those partners who measure success through volume of personnel deployed.

Lashmitha serves clients all over the world and has the depth of experience to contribute value to each customer's software development lifecycle regardless of the technology platform or application environment.

Every day, Lashmitha fulfills its mission of helping Companies enhance their competitive edge by providing the highest level of expertise in each software development project. We are committed to delivering quality results and the highest level of service throughout the duration of the working partnership.